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July 15, 2013

How Will Your Health Insurance Rates Be Determined in 2014?

First it’s important to know that under the Affordable Care Act, Insurers must charge the sick and healthy people the same premium. Here are some other rating factors outlined for California effective January 1, 2014:

Age – limited to a 3:1 ratio. This means that a rate for a 64 year old cannot be more than 3 times the amount of a 21 year old. 

Family Composition – Each family member will have their own rate based on their age. Insurers can charge only for the 3 oldest children in the family who are under 21 years old. So if you have more than 3 children in a household under age 21, the rate will only apply individually to the first 3 oldest children in the family. Those over 21 years of age will each have their own individual rate. 

Geographic Rating Area – Your rates will be determined based on where you reside. California will have 19 different rating areas within the health insurance exchanges. Not all insurers will offer plans in all areas. 

You can view all of the insurers that will be offering plans inside the health insurance exchange by clicking here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us any time. We are here to assist you with your personal transition into the new health care system next year.

Tags: Affordable Care Act, Covered California

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