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Affordable Care Act

July 15, 2013

How Will Your Health Insurance Rates Be Determined in 2014?

First it’s important to know that under the Affordable Care Act, Insurers must charge the sick and healthy people the same premium. Here are some other rating factors outlined for California effective January 1, 2014: Age – limited to a 3:1 ratio. This means that a rate for a 64 year old cannot be more than […]
June 4, 2013

IMPORTANT Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) Transition Information

IMPORTANT Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) Transition Information   Watch your regular US Mail this month for very important information about your PCIP health insurance policy that will cease on 07/01/13.    Due to a lack of program funding, effective 07/01/13 California will no longer operate the existing California state PCIP program.  You will need […]
March 15, 2013

Do We Have a Doctor Shortage?

According to the Federal Government, only 16 of 58 counties in California have enough doctors.  Nurse practioners, optometrists and pharmacists may be a solution, especially since there are almost 30% or more doctors nearing retirement and not enough new doctors to replace them.   SB 491, SB 492 and SB 493 being introduced by CA Senator, […]
March 13, 2013

Doctors That Receive Money From Drug Companies

California doctors, researchers, and other health care organizations receive more money from drug manufacturers than any other state within the United States.  A database created by ProPublica lists those specifically receiving these handouts from the pharmaceutical companies.  Those that are receiving this money acknowledge this activity however deny that the funds influenced their decisions to […]