What Can We Help You Cover?


September 12, 2014

Make recycling and reducing routine Torrance

Make reduce, reuse and recycle a part of your routine “Reduce, reuse, and recycle.” Most likely, you’ve heard that catchy phrase connected with information about saving natural resources and even saving your family money. But how many of us really make reducing, reusing and recycling a part of our everyday life? At Zenker Insurance Agency, […]
May 27, 2014

Distracted Driver

Avoiding distractions while driving could save your life You’ve seen them on the roads; you might even know a few of them. And you could be one yourself….   Distracted drivers in come in all shapes, sizes, ages and experience levels. Even if you’re not one today, you could become one at any moment — […]
October 2, 2012

Shopping for Auto Insurance

When was the last time you went shopping for auto insurance?  If it’s been a while, you could be missing out on some valuable discounts that could save you money.   You could also learn that the coverage you have may not be enough to protect you or your assets.  Shopping around for insurance can be […]