November 26, 2013
Blue Shield Existing Plan Extension Through MARCH 2014?
We are in the midst of health care reform. Many of the existing health plans will be discontinued at the end of this year because they won’t meet the Affordable Care Act coverage requirements. Blue Shield of California plans to discontinue most plans at the end of this year and then map you to a plan effective 01/01/14 that closely resembles what you currently have, only this new plan will meet the coverage requirements for 2014 and on the downside, will be more expensive for you. They are also giving selected subscribers the option to keep their present plan at their present rates through MAR 2014.
If you are one of the subscribers that has been given the option to extend their present plan at their present rate through MAR 2014. In light of the instability of the health care system going forward into 2014, it is our recommendation that you consider this option. By exercising this option, it will give you more time to review all of your options so that you can make the best decision for you and any insured family members.